Why You Might Want to be Friends
When you are in a relationship, you spend a lot of time with your significant other. You meet them for lunch breaks at work, see them for dates, spend time at home, spend time in your social circle. When you breakup, it is a big change from our old lifestyle. The comfort factor following a breakup is one of the most common reasons your ex wants to be friends. But while it may seem like it is helping you both move on from the breakup, it is actually making things worse. Not only is it harder to move when you’re friends, but you get stuck in the friend zone, making it impossible to get back together if that is what you want. And if you want to get back together, you need to build attraction and flirt with your ex — neither of these things are what ‘friends are for.’
What They Mean By Being Friends
When your ex proposes to be just friends, they are attempting to do a few things, all of which are going to hurt you in the end. First of all, it is preventing you from ever getting over them. Whether they are doing it on purpose or not, this makes it impossible to move on. They are also “friend zoning” you so that you can never get back together. Finally, it puts them in control of your relationship, even after you are no longer together.
Ways to Say No to Being Friends
If your ex is requesting to be friends after a breakup, there needs to be a polite and delicate way to say no. Flat out telling them no can seem a little cold and also hurt your chances at ever getting back together. Instead, respond with honesty and be genuine. Letting them know you just don’t think it’s a good idea gets the point across without having to explain yourself.
How to Handle it If You Already Agreed to it
Sometimes you agree to something your ex proposes simply because you are caught in a mixture of emotions, making it difficult to be level headed. Don’t panic if you have already agreed to be friends after breaking up. Repairing the damage is easy by going to plan B of handling your breakup, starting with a 30-day no-contact rule.
Finally, if you haven’t already, then I highly recommend you check out the very best “how to get your ex back” video that I’ve seen on the internet. It’s by my friend Brad Browning. In it, he exposes the 6 Magic Words that you can say to your ex that will re-spark the love and attraction that he or she had for you.
Men, click here if you want to get your girl back.
Women, click here if you want to get your man back.
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