Will Your Ex Take You Back? (FREE QUIZ)


This free interactive, science-based quiz will help you determine whether or not it will be possible to get back together with your ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend. This quiz is based on a wealth of academic research and has been proven extremely accurate.

This quiz only takes a few minutes to complete and your results will be available to you right after. Please begin by selecting your gender below.

    Part 1 / 4: Demographic Information

    Are you male or female?

      ** I am MALE:

      ** I am FEMALE:


    Part 2 / 4: Quantitative Information

    How old are you?

    How old is your ex?

    Were you and your ex married / engaged?

    How long were you and your ex together?

    Did you and your ex ever live together?

    Did you and your ex discuss marriage?

    When did you and your ex break up?

    Who initiated the most recent breakup?

    Was the breakup partially or completely due
    to cheating or infidelity?

    Have you and your ex spoken since the breakup?

    When was the last time you spoke with your ex?

    Has your ex reached out and contacted you
    since the breakup?

    Have you had any intimate contact with your ex
    since the breakup?

    Do you know if your ex is dating someone new?


    Part 3 / 4: Agree or Disagree

    "When we were together, my ex always seemed very
    happy with our relationship"

    "Even though we're not together, my ex still wants
    me in his / her life"

    "My friends and family think my ex was ideal for me"

    "My ex's friends and family liked me / approved of me"

    "Since the breakup, my ex has been very
    'hot and cold' towards me"

    "I worry that maybe my ex wasn't right for me"

    "I feel the need to apologize to my ex
    for things I did or said"


    Part 4 / 4: Qualitative Information

    How much anger / fighting was involved
    in your breakup?

    During your breakup, how upset did
    your ex appear to be?

    Since the breakup, how upset / angry
    has your ex appeared?

    If you have seen / spoken with your ex since
    the breakup, how did it go?

    If you ran into your ex in public right now, how
    would the encounter be?

    How would you rate the depth / intensity of the
    relationship with your ex?

    In your opinion, how optimistic do you feel about
    your chances of getting back together?


    Submit Results


    Although this quiz uses relationship science and academic research to calculate scores, it is not 100% accurate.

    If your situation is unique and you need personalized assistance in getting your ex back, watch the video presentation at Brad Browning’s website.

    Who Made The Quiz?

    The quiz questions and the proprietary algorithm used to calculate scores were both developed by Brad Browning, a certified relationship counselor and breakup expert from Vancouver, Canada.

    Brad is the author of the best-selling “Ex Factor Guide” book.

    How Do I Get The Results?

    Once you complete the quiz, your answers will be run through the quiz scoring algorithm (which takes 5-10 seconds).

    You’ll then be redirected to a page that shows your score (and your odds of getting your ex back).

    Are All Questions Required?

    No, all the quiz questions are optional, but answering all the questions accurately and honestly will generate the most accurate results.

    What About My Privacy?

    No personal information is required to complete the quiz. The information is not attached to your name, so it is completely safe.